The Buddha taught out of his own generosity and compassion for all beings. In appreciation, those who received the teachings donated food, clothing, and medicine. That was the beginning of the reciprocal relationship between teachers and students in this tradition.

Core Teachers

Guest Teachers

Our Founders & Origin Story

Community Meditation Center began as an intimate gathering of seven people practicing meditation and exploring the dharma with Allan Lokos and Susanna Weiss. As the endeavor grew, Allan began discussing the possibility of opening a dharma center with his teacher, Sharon Salzberg.

In 2007 the Community Meditation Center officially opened its doors. The founding Board of Directors named Susanna as CMC’s Executive Director and Allan as the Guiding Teacher. At first, Allan thought CMC’s growth was slow, since after three or four months attendance averaged fewer than twenty people.

Then came a great awakening: it was not the number of people who attended that mattered, but rather, were they reaching just one person? This became the heart of CMC’s mission; to help, to serve, to support through the teachings and practice of the Buddhadharma.

Over time, CMC grew to offer sessions on Sundays and Wednesdays, attracting more than 6,000+ visitors in a typical year. During the Covid-19 pandemic, CMC pivoted to offer sessions online, attracting an increasingly global sangha.

In 2021, Allan and Susanna stepped down. We thank them for their vision, leadership, and wisdom.