Cori Ellison

Board Member

Cori Ellison, a leading creative figure in the opera world, has served as staff Dramaturg at Santa Fe Opera, Glyndebourne Festival Opera, and New York City Opera. She is a Vocal Arts Faculty member at The Juilliard School and Ravinia Steans Music Institute, and has taught and lectured for schools, performance venues, and media outlets worldwide. Active in developing contemporary opera, she teaches dramaturgy for American Lyric Theater’s Composer Librettist Development Program and works on the development of new operas for companies worldwide. She creates supertitles and singing translations for opera companies across the English-speaking world, and helped launch Met Titles, the Metropolitan Opera’s simultaneous translation system.

She has often written for the New York Times, and has contributed to books including The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. 

Cori began attending CMC in 2014 and continues to find it a welcoming community and a transformative experience.